I hope you had a good Thanksgiving! Friday sneaked up on me since it was the day after Thanksgiving. I mean this week was made up of Monday, Tuesday, the day before Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, the day after Thanksgiving, play date with Beth, and Sunday. LOL
Friday Favorites
I have found a new source for thermofax screens. And even better, she is having a give away. It is not too late to sign up. Here is the link. Believe me, I thought twice before giving you the link. I big-time would love to win the mini-sets.
Here is an enhanced layering technique of what I did when I made my Blue Rose. I wanted to show you a picture of it but I don't seem to have a picture of it. I will take a picture tomorrow and show it to you. Anyway, I like the fact that she used all translucent materials and that she thought to use a soldering iron rather than the tiny pair of scissors I used.
Because I personally like self-reflection and evaluation I was interested in Kathleen Loomis's post on how she evaluates her pieces when she is finished with it. Before you read her post, do stop and view the detail of her quilt, Crossroads 4, that won second place in Quilts=Art=Quilts. The show was at the Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center in NY where I took Nancy's workshop. I got to see her piece in person and it was very exciting. I also noted that she donated 3 small quilts for the mini-quilt raffle fund raiser. I would not mind winning one.
I love Deb's stuff and this newest project is no exception. I loved it before I realized that the blocks are each unique. In this post she is doing a self-critique. I want to learn more about the technique she used. In her post she links us to this post on self-critique. It is a new blog for me. Well, it is not really a blog but a website. I liked it enough to join it and will now receive 2 free emails per week on art topics. I will warn you, while the site promises not to sell you information, the day after I signed up for the art email I received multiple spams. Just saying.
And here is what I personally love to do.
See you next week!
I KNOW what a sacrifice it was to give the link to a probability-based contest!