Portfolio of older work

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Weekly inspiration

I am not getting much work done so I thought I would just share with you some of the blogs I have visited this week and have gotten some inspiration for fiber experimentation.

Bea at Dog in the Hole Studio got together and had a play date like Beth, Rosalita, and I did.  They did some bleeding tissue paper stuff too but they took it several steps further. Gonna have to try that!

Elizabeth at Art and Quilts, Cogitation Thereon had a nice discussion on fabric and MX dyeing.  I am still trying to figure out the dyeing and haven't yet gotten to the fine details of types of cotton to use.  I did really enjoy reading about the glove box.  I have had some problem with dye powder from one project getting on others and leaving marks I didn't want. The glove box would help with that!

Judi at Approachable Art always gives me good inspiration and  encourages me even when my pieces are completely inadequate.  In this post she talks about her multiple steps in surface design and some problems she is having with her silk screening.  Since Beth, Roasalita, and I are planning to de-constructed silk screen next play date, I payed attention to Judi's advice.

Gloria Hansen gives us a tutorial on Shibori with Fabric Paint.  I had not heard of anyone doing it with fabric paint but I must say I like her results, particularly the diluted black paint and bronze one.  She also gives us wonderful links to other tutorials.  LOVE sites that direct us to other fabulous sites, don't you?

Hope you have a good time visiting these blogs!


  1. Those were fun links. Thanks.

  2. Hi Judith,

    Thank you for entering my giveaway. I appreciate you sharing your perspective on why you quilt. :)

    You do beautiful work.


Thanks for reading and please share your thoughts on my work or a link to see your great stuff!